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Brian Giebink Promoted to Behavioral and Mental Health Lead at HDR

Brian Giebink, AIA, LEED AP BD+C, EDAC, has been promoted to behavioral and mental health practice leader for HDR. In this role, Giebink will lead business development strategies for behavioral and mental health, while also continuing his hands-on role in project leadership and planning.

Giebink’s work encourages clients to rethink behavioral and mental health environments to enable patients to live the most satisfying, hopeful and productive lives, while improving the experience for family and staff. He has completed projects throughout the U.S., Canada and the Middle East. He has authored numerous articles and consistently speaks at industry conferences.

Giebink was a key leader in the design of the Spero Academy, Healing Spirit House and the recently completed Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Center for Advanced Behavioral Healthcare, among many others around the world. He also led a team that developed the mental health patient room prototype OneHaven.

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Posted January 18, 2023

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