East Tennessee Children’s Hospital is celebrating the first signs of construction of its new, 245,000-square-foot facilities. The groundbreaking marks the beginning of the hospital’s expansion, which includes space for children with chronic conditions, 44 private Neonatal Intensive Care Unit rooms and new operating rooms. The construction of the new NICU and Surgery Center is planned to take two years.
Members of the hospital, former patients, donors, media and representatives from the city and county gathered at the building site, which is located across from the hospital’s main campus. The expansion building will be connected to the current hospital by light-filled pedestrian walkways. BarberMcMurry Architects and Johnson & Galyon Construction will make good use of the space in these pedestrian bridges with open areas for families to gather, play space for children and dedicated consultation rooms.
The expansion of Children’s Hospital’s facilities and services are the result of support from community members and local businesses. Nearly $13 million has been donated to the growth of the hospital, including a $1-million check presented by BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee at the groundbreaking ceremony. The current fundraising goal is $15 million.
View artist renderings of what the finished interior and exterior of the new building will look like, courtesy of the design team of Shepley Bulfinch, Boston: http://www.etch.com/articles/childrens_hospital_breaks_ground_on_new_building.aspx.