A new episode of Between the Lines with FGI has arrived, featuring an interview with Dr. Scott Zeller, past president of the American Association for Emergency Psychiatry and vice president of acute psychiatry at Vituity. He is also assistant clinical professor at the University of California, Riverside. Hosts Bridget and John ask Dr. Zeller about the EmPATH model, which led to the inclusion of behavioral health crisis units in the 2022 Guidelines.
Dr. Zeller discusses the critical impact of physical spaces on mental well-being, emphasizing the need for trauma-informed care and comforting environments for individuals in crisis. A discussion ensues on the importance of distinguishing between emergency and urgent care in mental health, highlighting the need for tailored approaches to meet varying levels of acuity.
The podcast episode also includes conversation about some misconceptions around mental health treatment, emphasizing the importance of public education to foster understanding and support for individuals in crisis.
For more information, visit fgiguidelines.org/podcast/e5-behavioral-health-crisis-units-scott-zeller/.