The Massachusetts Public Health Council voted unanimously to approve a Determination of Need for Dana-Farber Cancer Institute to build a 300-bed cancer hospital in the Longwood Medical Area of Boston.
The newly approved hospital will function as the primary connector at the center of the clinical collaboration between Dana-Farber, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical Faculty Physicians. It will be the only hospital of its kind in the region.
First announced in September 2023, the new hospital will be located on the current site of the Joslin Diabetes Center along Brookline Avenue—adjacent to both BIDMC and DFCI, creating an interlocking campus and a seamless patient experience. Recognizing that cancer care often requires integrated care between oncologists and other medical specialties, the clinical collaboration with BIDMC and HMFP will include expert sub-specialist clinicians, such as surgical oncologists, onco-cardiologists, and oncologic pathologists, and will be supported by a nursing team specifically trained to provide oncology care.
While the new hospital will be owned and operated by Dana-Farber under its license, the joint clinical teams will maintain a patient care model that reduces barriers to treatment and advances patient access to clinical trials and other cutting-edge treatment protocols.