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Lake City VAMC EHRM training, admin support space
Lake City, Fla.
Acute Care Hospital
$35 Million
AdventHealth Murray replacement
Chatsworth, Ga.
Acute Care Hospital
$25 Million
West Covina Medical Center behavioral health addition
West Covina, Calif.
Acute Care Hospital
$36 Million
Regional One Health Campus
Memphis, Tenn.
Acute Care Hospital
$1.2 Billion
Dana-Farber Cancer Center Boston
Boston, Mass.
Cancer Center
$1.7 Billion
MUSC Hollings Cancer Center Florence
Florence, S.C.
Cancer Center
$24 Million
MediSys Cancer Center
Richmond Hill, N.Y.
Cancer Center
$180 Million
Sierra Bloom Surgery Center
Scottsdale, Ariz.
Ambulatory Surgery Center
$15 Million
Crestwood Medical Center Multispecialty ASC
Huntsville, Ala.
Ambulatory Surgery Center
$10 Million