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UNC Health North Carolina Surgical Hospital Enhance Patient & Staff Experience

UNC Health officials celebrated the upcoming opening of the new North Carolina Surgical Hospital in Chapel Hill. The hospital, scheduled to begin treating patients in July, is the single-largest addition to the Chapel Hill campus since it was built in 1952.

The facility spans seven stories and encompasses 375,000 square feet designed to offer a comforting atmosphere for patients and their loved ones. Boasting 26 advanced surgical suites and 80 patient rooms, the facility is fully equipped to facilitate the latest procedures. Four operating rooms are designated as hybrid spaces, integrating imaging technology into surgical procedures to enhance precision and efficiency.

The building also includes a main reception and visitor waiting areas on each floor, central processing, offices and conference rooms, an indoor and outdoor staff lounge and staff locker rooms. The project team includes Page and Skanska.

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Posted June 18, 2024

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