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Patient Tower at Boca Raton Regional Hospital Reaches Structural Completion

The Gloria Drummond Patient Tower at Boca Raton Regional Hospital in Florida has reached structural completion. Once complete in 2025, the new nine-story patient tower will include all-private patient rooms, surgical suites and critical care units. The tower will also house the Michelle and Michael Hagerty Center for Graduate Medical Education.

The tower will encompass more than 427,000 square feet and will expand the hospital to more than 1.08 million square feet. The buildout consists of 20 new operating rooms, two hybrid operating rooms with ceiling-mounted IMRIS, one hybrid MRI, a radiology suite, public bistro, doctors’ dining, pharmacy, intensive care unit, medical-surgical beds, and new grand entrance with large canopy, skylights and fountains. A new two-story, 39,000-square-foot central energy plant will support the campus-wide expansions and renovations.

The project is pursuing both a LEED certification and WELL certification. That will make it one of the first hospital facilities in Florida to receive WELL certification, a performance-based global standard for certifying health and well-being in the built environment. The project team includes Robins & Morton and HKS.

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Posted June 18, 2024

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