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ASHRAE Issues Call for Papers for IEQ 2025

ASHRAE is accepting papers for the IEQ (Indoor Environmental Quality) 2025 Conference, co-organized by ASHRAE and AIVC, to be held Sept. 24-26, 2025 in Montreal, Canada.

The theme of the conference is “Rising to New Challenges: Connecting IEQ to a Sustainable Future” and focuses on the increasing understanding of how occupants respond to various indoor environmental factors while enhancing resilience in the face of a changing climate.

The conference steering committee seeks papers on the following topics:

  • Performance metrics: For all aspects of IEQ
  • Occupant behavior: How behavior impacts IEQ and how IEQ impacts behavior – psychological dimensions
  • Smart sensors, data and controls: Sensor properties, data management, cybersecurity, applications, commissioning, equivalence
  • Resilience and IEQ: Responding to climate change and disasters
  • Ventilation: Mechanical, passive, natural and hybrid systems
  • Air tightness: Trends, methods and impacts
  • Thermal comfort: Dynamic approaches, health impacts and trends
  • Policy and standards: Trends, impacts, implications
  • HVAC and IEQ in a post-COVID world
  • Ventilation and building decarbonization

Authors have the option to submit a short abstract for either a conference paper (8-page manuscript) or an extended abstract (3-page manuscript). Short abstract submissions are due Nov. 11. If accepted, complete manuscript submissions are due March 10. For more information, visit

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Posted June 18, 2024

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