The Age-Friendly Institute has launched a hospital ratings and reviews engine on its website Features include a listing of Medicare five-star quality ratings and crowd-sourced reviews from a fast-growing community of older adults and family caregivers.
The Institute for Healthcare Improvement works with hospitals to train and recognize them as age-friendly, using its best-practices rubric the 4Ms. On the website, older adults and their caregivers are learning how, when and where they should be able to expect quality that’s specific to them. Leslie Pelton, vice president at IHI, welcomed the launch, saying, “Activating the older adult to ask for age-friendly care is a space that still requires more attention.”
AFI Executive Director Jody Shue said “we’re pleased to help older consumers find the care that’s best for them. With increased demand from older adults, age-friendly healthcare will continue to grow and become ubiquitous.”
The sentiment was echoed by The John A. Hartford Foundation President Terry Fulmer. “Older adults now have a powerful tool to compare and comment on whether hospitals are focused on what matters most as we age,” said Dr. Fulmer. “We now have a feedback loop to fuel further improvements that can lead to safer, more evidence-based, age-friendly hospital care across the country.”