DSGW’s principal Rebecca Lewis has been appointed Fellow of the American Institute of Architects. She brings nationally recognized medical design expertise to small and isolated communities, and represents AIA in creating healthcare design codes for projects across the country, while leading the profession to improve wellness in rural America.
Lewis shares her focused expertise with the profession. Since 2003, she has served as the AIA Academy of Architecture for Health representative to the Facility Guidelines Institute. This role requires active participation on the Health Guidelines Revision Committee. She leads as co-chair of the AIA-AAH Codes and Standards Forum, sharing new healthcare-related design standards to meet emerging and unmet needs in all types of healthcare facilities.
Lewis also led the American College of Healthcare Architects as president in 2008. During her tenure, she guided ACHA in achieving formal recognition from the AIA as an organization that provides specialty credentialing for healthcare architects. ACHA is the first organization of its kind to achieve such recognition from AIA.
The 2016 Fellows will be honored with a ceremony at the National AIA Convention May 19-21.